(no subject)

Larry J. Blunk (ljb@merit.edu)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:04:57 -0400

> On Tue, 17 Oct 1995, Michael C. Brenner wrote:
> > >From: Mike Moskal <mmoskal@cyberlink.bc.ca>
> > >Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 23:34:27 -0600
> > >Subject: TCPMAN Settings for Portmasters
> > >
> > > What are the best settings for trumpet winsock ??
> > >
> > >TCP MTU = ?
> > >TCP MSS = ?
> > >TCP RWIN = ?
> > >
> > >
> > >Thanks
> >
> > at 14.4 I use MTU=1500, MSS=1024, RWIN=256
> Well tcpman clearly stats the RWIN=MTU-40 And livingston clearly states
> that 1006 is the max for slip,pp. And windows 3.11 time slicing for tcp calls
> saids its shuld be 200 MTU since this is the max mtu size for the time slice.
> What do I suggest? I like small MTU's they are make protocal more efficient
> on dirty lines on ethernet connections I say 1500 mtu. So MTU=552 RWIN=448
> is my number. Its a magic number for me. BTW Win95 as much as hate windows
> in general has better TCP/IP support and put thuse at 1006 MTU.
> Anyone beg to differ?
> Carlos
> Carlos Ramirez (217) 356 - 400
>9 Voice
> CU-Online System Adminstrator (217) 356 - 3600 Data
> Offerings Circuits upto T1/E1 Speeds at afforable rates.
> "Your one stop Internet Provider"

It is the MSS that should be MTU - 40 (or less). RWIN should generally
be some multiple of MSS (3 or 4 times is generally good for dialup links).
Make your RWIN less than your MSS will generally result in sub-optimal
The Livingston's do in fact support MTU's greater than 1006. We
use 1500 on our PPP links (the remote end can negotiate this down
with PPP).