Re: Accounting scripts for RADIUS detail file

Patrick Greenwell (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 08:50:12 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 17 Oct 1995, Mury Andrew Johnson wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Oct 1995, Jim Covington wrote:
> > I am looking for a script that will give me a client-id and account time in
> > seconds or hours from the detail file created by RADIUS. I want to be able
> > to dump this info into some database or accounting program and bill
> > customers for time as well as unlimited access.
> A lot of people have been asking for something like this. I do have a
> better solution, but unfortunately I can't share it with you yet.
> However the following will get you started with awk scripts. Get the
> O'Reilly book on sed and awk.
There was a package made by for his system, which he
was giving out several months back. I have made some serious revisions to
his original scripts(including making it work) and having the info
ported to Quickbooks. All I have to do is finish cleaning it up(I have gotten
side-tracked.) If anyone wants to clean it up themselves(Perl) I will happily
send you a copy, otherwise I will let you all know when I am done with it.
