Re: PMconsole for Windows and WIN 95

John-David Childs (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 21:50:35 -0600 (MDT)

I am running it (version 1.0) under Windows 95. I was able to get beta7
to work as well. It is true, however, that the setup program tries to
install certain files in the C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
There is a setting (somewhere, I don't remember where...maybe in the
INSTALL/REMOVE SOFTWARE Control Panel?) which tells Windows 95 to deny
"upgrades" or replacements to any system file already in the C:\WINDOWS
or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories.

On Mon, 16 Oct 1995, Dean Waters wrote:

> Anybody successfully install this under Windows 95? I just unzipped it and
> tried running setup.exe only to find that it hosed my machine and I had to
> reboot. Windows exception error. I am running the Microsoft tCP-IP stack.
> Dean
> --
> Dean Waters E-mail: dwaters@RedBrick.COM
> System Administrator
> Red Brick Systems Phone: 408-399-7103
> Los Gatos, CA Pager: 408-788-5818

John-David Childs
Information Systems Tech University of Montana-Missoula (406)243-2321
System Administrator Internet Services Montana (406)542-0838
"I used up all my sick days... so I'm calling in dead"