Question about "reserved IP's" for dialups (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 20:19:39 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time John Jamerson shaped the electrons to say...
>I've got a PM-2E-30 with assigned pool of IP's starting at

>got a permanent route set in the PM pointing at
> Radius has the user's Framed-Address set to

Why not put
Framed-Route = "x.x.41.0 x.x.40.50 1"
in the radius entry? (This isn't a fix to the problem, just wondering why
you'd put the static route in the PM all the time. The rest should fix the

Or even
Framed-Route = "x.x.41.0 1"
and use dynamic addressing?

Or change his Framed-Address to something on his net, like x.x.41.1.

Or drop assigned address to x.x.40.18, or raise his to x.x.40.52

>However, if he's not, and the rest of the PM ports fill up, then the PM
>assigns to any user when .50 becomes available from the IP

This shouldn't happen, but does, it is a minor bug that we're having a very
hard time tracking down. The most the PM can ever grab is 32 IPs, that is
hardcoded. Which is why lowering assigned or raising his IP would fix it.
We should only grab 30, but we run over sometimes.

Moving his address to his own network is the most sound solution, there is no
need for his address to be on the same network as the PM.

>answer. Hell, it the answer's good enough (bulletproof), a bottle of
>wine :-)
>Any takers?

No thanks, don't like wine. If it were a Guinness...

Well, right now NyQuil sounds good... I might not be in tomorrow... *blah*


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