* Question *

Matthew (mmacsuga@unix.ieway.com)
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 19:34:12 -0700

Currently we are running 3 Portmasters, with the 3rd having recently gone
online. The situation is this: PM1&2 are off of our main IP address,
and PM3 is off of another address, at another physical location. (Sounds
interesting eh?) Now, we assign all users a temporary IP address, such
as "slip-xx.ieway.com", which works on PM1&2, but not 3 (being a
different IP address). The question, how can I assign our domain name to
the 3rd portmaster on a different IP address? is this even remotely
possible? how can I add it to my named database & inverse mapping?

Any help would be much appreciated :)

- Matthew (mmacsuga@ieway.com)
SysAdmin - Internet Expressway