Re: anti-multiple-login patches for radiusd (fwd)

System Administrator (
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 21:41:27 -0500

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:
> Once upon a time Chris B. Wilson, VectorNet shaped the electrons to say...
> >Has anyone put together any patches to prevent multiple logins to a
> >Portmaster?
> Here are some pointers on how to modify radiusd 1.16 to only allow each
> user to log in once. This simple version doesn't handle power losses
> or having your UNIX server crash, dealing with those situations would
> be more complex. A future version of radiusd will likely include something
> like this, but if you don't want to wait for it here's information on
> doing it yourself.

How long might we have to wait?