Re: PM2er + Radius + Unlimited Access (fwd)

Bill Butler (
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 03:38:24 -0700

I agree. I feel that the Portmaster is an excellent product (just
purchased one and am switching from Telebit). I am, however, stuck with
using Telebit's Netblazer for my dedicated dial-up accounts because with
the portmaster, there is no way to set an unlimited dial up on a PER USER
basis. Sure, you could argue that I could simply set aside serial lines
for those customers & turn off the timeout but then I am in a situation
where I have to talk to BellSouth & get some lines that hunt & some lines
that don't hunt. As we grow, we want to have one very large hunt group
(line roll queue) where both dedicated and dial-up customers can connect.
There are many advantages to using this method instead of dedicated lines:

1) If equipment or lines exhibit problems, the customer can keep the same
dial-up number coded into their equipment and we can "busy out" the
suspect port or equipment.
2) For every dedicated customer added, we do not have to go to the phone
company to have a single line added, we can simply add to the existing
hunt group.
3) Anything that helps us avoid dealing with the translations people at
the phone company is a blessing. It seems that things never go right the
first time.

>Has Livingston ever just considered biting the bullet and paying for
>enough engineers now to work on all of these "low priority" projects to
>create a superior product and perhapas grab more market share as a result?
>On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:
>> Once upon a time Jeff Mcadams shaped the electrons to say...
>> >How about it MZ, wanna express our desire for this feature as well?
>> It's come up before, basically there are several items with a much higher
>> demand and a higher level of usefulness already backlogged. Low demand
>> things like this just stagnate until demand increases so that it gets
>> bumped up, or it dies completely. It's the return on the effort, this would
>> take a good chunk of engineering effort for negligible perceived returns.
> ^^^^^^^^^
>> > -MZ
>> --
>> Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
>> Phone: 800-458-9966 FAX: 510-426-8951
>> <>
>> 6920 Koll Center Parkway #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Bill Butler, President, Telalink Corporation
We have ISDN Dial-up for $35/month !!
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