Re: PM2er + Radius + Unlimited Access

Scott Henry (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 09:57:47 -0700

>>>>> "J" == Jeff Mcadams <> writes:

J> I spoke with Brian Rice at InterOp in Atlanta and he said that the
J> engineers were unenthusiastic about implementing that and didn't see the
J> need.....maybe they should subscribe to this list and hear from those of
J> us that want this feature? :)

That is one of the really nice features of MorningStar PPP, that you
can select which types of packets to ignore in idle-time or bringup
determinations. bringup probably isn't too interesting to a
terminal server, *unless* you use dynamic outgoing dials.

BTW, timeout filters are in SGI's PPP, too. By default, the list
includes (copied from the man page): ports 13 (daytime), 37 (time),
123 (ntp), 520 (route), and 525 (timed). Just an example of what I
think would be a good starting point for Livingston to add...

Scott Henry <> / Help! My disclaimer is missing!
Networking Services, / GIGO *really* means: Garbage in, Gospel Out
Silicon Graphics, Inc /
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