Re: PM2er + Radius + Unlimited Access

Dave Andersen (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 23:33:04 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Marc O'Leary once said:

> We offer unlimited access. I am looking for a way to account for the =
> time of each call and to detect inactivity and log a user off??? any =
> help would be appreciated.

For the inactivity, just use "set all idletime XX" where XX is the
number of minutes they can stay online.

Obviously, this doesn't always work. :) We've established an
"absolute session time limit" by using pmwho and pmcom (a little "rsh"
type utility I wrote for the portmasters), and a perl script.

pmwho: (This is a GREAT utility..
I based my pmcom code on it and I'm very appreciative of
Johan Persson for writing it)

Syntax: pmcom <portmaster> "command"

A perl script to "flush" users off if they've been online
too long. Needs to be combined with a cron entry to call it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

-Dave Andersen

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