Re: WAN Port wigs-out

Stefan Hudson (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 16:07:25 -0700 (PDT)

> My PM2ER20 WAN port locks up about every 7 days or so. Didn't do this
> at first but started about a month ago. There are CRC and FRAME errors
> but not many (<10). Resetting w1 clears the problem. Not too bad a
> problem as long as it doesn't go unnoticed for more than a few minutes.
> Any one else seen this? BTW there are no alarms or errors on my CSU/DSU
> Do I need to upgrade ComOS (currently 3.1.2)? Not just a blanket upgrade
> statment, please.

Same here... it usually happens once or twice a week, during peak usage
hours. I'm fairly certain it is a software problem, because one time it
started locking up every minute or so, and rebooting fixed it. After
installing ComOS 3.1.3, the lockups happen much less frequently. I saw
a message from someone at Livingston about 3.1.4 being even better; I'm
going to install that as soon as I can.

When I posted a message about this a while back, someone indicated it
might be a hardware problem, repeatable by sending large packets of 0xff.
I tried this, and it did not repeat. So far I have found no way of
deliberately making it lock up.

Note that you should upgrade to 3.1.4 for security reasons, anyway. It's
worth a try.

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator
\\\/// Monterey Bay Internet  -  Email:
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101 Modem: 408-642-6102