Re: Delayed PPP connection time

Patrick Greenwell (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 12:46:37 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 12 Oct 1995, Phil Jensen - System Administrator wrote:

> Good morning.
> It was just recently brought to my attention that our (PPP) users are
> delayed roughly thirty to forty seconds before being authenticated on our
> remote radius server. The local Portmaster authenticates immediately. This
> puzzles me however, because I have all of our secrets set right, and all of
> our hosts/remote portmasters in our /etc/hosts.equiv file. I know this
> doesn't matter to PPP users. The remote Portmaster is running ComOS
> 3.1.2.
> My initial thought was that it was because of our 128k frame relay link
> to the remote Portmaster. Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks in
> advance for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Phil Jensen _\\|//_

Just a guess, but DNS lookup failure?
