Re: WAN Port wigs-out

Richard J Ihmels (
Thu, 12 Oct 95 12:21 PDT

Similar problem here. We have 25 PM2eRs hooked up to frame relay. About
half will automatically reset their W1 port. Some once a week, some won't
go 24 hours. All are using COMOS 3.1.4 and display the same symptoms on
COMOS 3.1.3 and 3.1.3C2. The one that wouldn't go 24 hours has had W1
disabled and replaced by a CISCO 2501. So far no troubles. The differences
seem to be in packet buffering and CRC errors. Where the Livingston had
about 3-4 CRC / day the CISCO has none. The Livingston would tell me the W1
buffer overflowed every 10-15 min. during busy times. The Cisco had 3
buffer overruns during a 24 hour period. This looks like a Livingston
problem to me but I am no expert. Any comments on this problem?

At 12:47 PM 10/12/95 -0400, you wrote:
> Well, it looks like there's more comming out of the woodwork with this
>problem. We've seen it here and are currently working with Livingston to
>figure it out. The guy at the other end of the line from the one that
>first gave us trouble had seen it before also, which is how we knew not
>to bother calling the phone company again.
> I thing you'll find that it works fine if you disconnect the buss cable
>from the main board which goes to the other 2 10 port boards. You should
>also be able to make it go crazy by pingin it with pattern "ff". What
>made me do that was that it was having more problems with binary file
>transfers and image files. Looks like lots of bits on give it trouble.
> We are waiting for our rep at one site to reconnect the other 20 ports
>so we can retest the unit with 3.1.4 (which Brian uploaded to the unit
>the other day). We'll see if that does anything.
> My personal guess is that it's a hardware problem, either ringing on
>the data bus due to termination problems or problems with the drivers at
>the WAN port or supply impeadance feeding those drivers. When we pinged
>that unit with "ff", you'd see the first 4 to 6 characters come bach
>trashed, then the rest would be OK.
> I'll let you know what happens here.
>Chuck Scott, Pres.
>Freeway, Inc.
Richard J Ihmels
System Admin. / Support
A&W Internet Inc.