Re: Call Backs (fwd)

Jon Green - User Support (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 17:40:02 -0500

>>We're running ComOS 3.1.4, BTW. I understood that 3.1.4 was supposed to
>>fix the ethernet lockup problem, but this looks like exactly the same thing.
>It isn't, because the code in 3.1.3 that caused the problem is no longer
>there. It can't be the same problem. 3.1.4 reverted to the 3.1.2 code
>for that.

Only one problem with that.. We were having the ethernet lockups in 3.1.2
also. All our PM's came with 3.1.3 installed, and after hearing about
problems with it, we moved them all back to 3.1.2.

* Jon Green * GIT d- s+:+ a-- C++$ ULO++++$ P+ L++ E W+(--) *
* * N++ K w(--) O- M-- V+++$(--) PS PE++ Y+ PGP+ *
* INS User Support * t+ 5 X(+) R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++ G+ e+ h r++ y+ *