Re: subscribe portmaster-users (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 11:21:49 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Christian Nielsen shaped the electrons to say...
>1. True I am on the list now, I had to re-add myself to the list.


>2. I sent this to support and not to the portmasters lists.

That is my fault. I had at least 3 people come into my office with "Did you
see what Christian sent to the list, you'd better send out a public reply
fast." And since it was early and I was still half-out of it, and it had
already been a bad day getting worse, I sent out the reply. Since I filter
my mail into a myriad of folders it isn't odd for it to end up in a place
I don't always expect, so I took their word for it that it was public.

It wasn't.

>3. The who command does work anyone care to see the list?

That I'm going to check on. I didn't install majordomo here, as most of you
know, the list has been around. The way I understood the info passed to me
was that it was disabled, and when I tested it, and I am subscribed, I was
rejected, so it seemed true. And other people on the list have been rejected,
so if it is working I'm going to have to see about that. Someone, or thing,
is confused.

>Once again, as shown in the email that I sent to support and not to this
>list, it showed that I was not on the list of users, Tom Wade wrote back

What really got to me was that instead of sending a letter to
the list owner (me) or even support or the list, or whatever, just saying
"Hey, what's up?" You ranted about us pulling you off the list because of
the things you said, thinly veiled that you didn't have to keep selling our
product, etc...

No one reported to me any problems with the list. I didn't remove you, and
if I didn't no one did. You aren't on the bounces list either, so I know I
didn't. It is possible someone sent an 'unsubscribe' letter in for you, as
most people here are aware, email can be forged. I don't know, we don't keep
sub/unsub letters around, there are too many of them and not enough reason to.

IMHO we were both out of line. You could have been a bit more civil about
it and just asked what was up instead of leaping to conclusions and accusing
us (me really, I run the list) of what I consider immoral behavior. (You don't
kick someone off a list because you don't like what they're saying.)

And I over-reacted. I was personally offended and hurt by what you accused
me of doing, since I consider such actions reprehensible and completely
irresponsible. So I got angry for being falsely accused of those actions, and
I wrote a reply in anger. I should know better than that, I've been online
since '89 and all told I run an FTP site, two web sites, a newsgroup, and
7 mailing lists. I learned that lesson a long time ago, but I need a
reminder now and then.

So I'd like to apologize to both you and the list for my harsh reply and for
involving the list when it wasn't part of the discussion in the first place.
(Never take someone's word for it, check the headers - lesson for today.)


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