Re: Spam

Chris Woods (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 12:20:43 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 11 Oct 1995, Jon Lusky wrote:

[re: spam]

> Brian... any chance of finding out who sent this so we can express how
> much we disliked receiveing it?

This exact same spam was sent to 6 of the mailing lists that I read:
info-bind, namedroppers, here, pop, info-andrew, and wu-ftpd. From here,
and from parsing the headers, they seemed to come from a dialup at Someone on one of the other lists, though, mentioned that he got
it from a site as well. In most cases, it was spoofed/forged
to seem as if it were coming from an account.

Chris Woods Senior System Administrator USAinternet, Inc.
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