PM and Syslog question

Allen J. Newton (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 15:23:07 -0600 (MDT)

Hi, fellow PM users,

Got a question here about the PM and syslog'g (what is and isn't?).

I've noticed that when users who are connected via a serial terminal to a
port on the PM, their logins are not logged, but their disconnects are.

Por que?

I've also noticed inconsistency between whether or not disconnects from
bangroot sessions are logged, and sometimes PPP session disconnects are
logged, and sometimes they aren't.

Is this a known bug? Does anyone else have this problem? Or is the
syslog() on the system we're presently logging to possibly buggy? I'm
getting ready to test this by changing the loghost, but seem to remember
the first problem I mentioned occurring there, too (I've tested the
syslogging on a Linux box, which is what I'm preparing to try again -- the
present log host is an HP/UX B10.01 A 9000/816 machine).

Allen J. Newton     BASIS International Ltd,  (505)-345-5232
5901 Jefferson NE,  Albuquerque, New Mexico   87109   Network Administrator     <*>