Re: ISDN off PM

Dave Andersen (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 15:11:42 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Steve Davies once said:

> On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Chris Woods wrote:
> > Except that when there is no modem on the port, and modem-control is off,
> > I would expect that CD would be low by default, instead of high.
> We find that ports 0 to 9 default to CD low when unconnected; the others
> to CD high (and thus go to USERNAME state)

I had this problem with our first PM. Tech support told me that it's a
difference with the newer plug in cards for the modem controls vs the
older ones -- the new ones always default to CD low, whereas the old were
allowed to float. Overall, a pretty harmless "bug" in the old cards (if
you can even call it a bug. Basically a design decision)

-Dave Andersen

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