Re: Mac/Open Transport/PPP Setup (fwd)

Matthew Zahorik (
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 22:23:18 -0400 (EDT)

As per the conversation about Open Transport, here's what one of my users
came up with.

- Matt

Matthew Zahorik /|\ Offering the finest connectivity in Albany. Shell, SLIP,
AlbanyNet //|\\ and PPP. Speeds from 1200bps to 45MBps. | Voice: 1 (518) 462 - 6262 Data: 1 (518) 463 - 3434
Info: Sales: W^3:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 11:09:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael S. Martin <>
To: AlbanyNet Discussion <>
Subject: Re: Mac/Open Transport/PPP Setup

OK, here's what worked with the PowerMac 7500 and Open Transport:

- Update Open Transport to v1.0.7

- Install FreePPP 1.0 (make sure there are no other copies of MacPPP or
its derivatives on the startup volume)

- Configure Free PPP (port & modem, connect script, authentication--same
as MacPPP)

- Configure TCP/IP control panel as follows--

Connect Via: MacPPP
Configure: Manually Select Host File: <don't>
IP Address: <blank>
Domain Name: Admin Domain: <blank>
Subnet Mask: <blank>
Router Address: <blank>
Name Server Address: Search Domain Names: <blank> <blank>

There is also an "Options" button--leave those settings at the default.

According to Apple and the newsgroups FreePPP is the version of MacPPP
that works best with Open Transport--most of the others don't work at all.

Apparently, configuring TCP/IP manually but leaving IP Address blank is
the same as the "Obtain Address: Server" setting in MacTCP. No need for
BootP, DHC, or RARP.

It's best to leave Subnet Mask and Router Address blank--Open Transport
will determine the correct values when a connection is made.

A NOTE: No one had been able to send mail using Eudora with Open
Transport until someone came up with the following fix: turn on Ballon
Help. I've been unable to get Claris Emailer to send mail with Open
Transport even with Ballon Help on.
