Re: Problems with radisu 2.4

William Bulley (
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 12:09:33 -0400 (EDT)

According to Garry Shtern:
> I am having problems setting up radisu 2.4

You should probably direct these questions to me and not the
PortMasters list...

> i compiled it and ran it, but when I try to log into the port from the
> portmaster, it fails after a while, and log file says that the ip address
> of my router i an uknown client, yet first of all why did it not resolve
> the name of it, and second why doesn't it know the client, if the name is
> in the clients file and I even try to include the ip adress there..

The DNS "protection" code (new in 2.4) backgrounds the task of filling
the in core clients file cache. This process takes time (hence the need
to background it!) and so the first request or so after a server starts
up may be logged as unknown until the background process can fill the cache.

> the second one, how do you specify a user in your users file to belong to
> one of those canonical users like slipuser, pppusers, etc? is there a way
> to do this, like create a default entry and use it for specified users?

The rule is something like this: any matching entry in the users file
(including the DEFAULT entry) which _does_ _not_ contain a Service-Type
attribute will cause the server to re-search the users file for the
so-called "cannonical" user entries like slipuser, pppusers, etc. The
selection of which cannonical paragraph to use is based on "hints" from
the PortMaster (which may require a configuration setup change, but I
am not a PortMaster expert -- so don't ask me for specifics). We prompt
the user for "host:" first and then ask for their credentials. We also
have dummy users in the built-in PortMaster users table for "PPP" and
"SLIP" which the user may enter at the "host:" prompt as one way of
supplying these hints.

These canonical entries are not meant to be modified unless you are
really "up" on your RADIUS knowledge base!



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185