Re: Winsock script?

Dave Andersen (
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 19:46:01 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Dennis Toeppen once said:

> Does anyone out there have a Trumpet Winsock script which works
> properly with a PM2E with Radius? I have modified someone else's script,
> but I can't get it to work reliably. Your assistance would be greatly
> appreciated... Please email to

The files you'll be interested in are setup.cmd and login.cmd

One caveat: You'll have to change the string it looks for to get the
address. I sorta poked and prodded with our portmaster to make its
SLIP/PPP activation message mirror that from our ciscos so the transition
would be easier. You'll want to change the string

$addrstr = "IP address is"

*shrug* Other than that, it works like a charm.

-Dave Andersen

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