Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa (fwd)

Robert Hanson (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 10:51:59 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> > While I was on the phone with them yesterday trying to get thru to tech support, 15 minutes, I got no less than FIVE message poped up omn my SUN server, in
> > Livingston mail list ALL of them was from Livingston's tech support answering
> > on the list. NOW my question is why were these people NOT taking phone calls
> >instead of playing on the net ?
> I work on average 10 hours a day, 12 is common, answering the support
> email and list stuff. There is only so many hours in a day that I can sit
> and handle support questions straight through. So I take a 'break' and
> handle the generally simpler, easier questions on the mailing lists. I am
> also responsible for running all of those lists, so I look at them several
> times a day to make sure nothing is munged.
> Many of out customers use email to get support, it is just as viable as the
> phones, so you are no one special because you called IMHO. Since it is
> much easier and more efficient to have one person handle the email - so that

deleted stuff here...
> So if you want to slam us for answering things online, you are slamming me
> personally, and I simply don't take that from anyone.
> I don't *have* to work until 10, 11, 12PM, or later. I don't *have* to dial
> in on the weekend and answer the email I can so customers don't have to wait.
> I could do my 9-6 and go home and leave it all to rot.
> I don't - but letters like this make it more attractive.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
> Phone: 800-458-9966 FAX: 510-426-8951

Yes, letters in general can make it more attractive to just do the 9-5
thing and maybe have a life after hours, or even a life period...

I work 20 hours a day myself an i cant get it all done... personal
opinion can factor into anything and what you are doing is admirable and
MUCH appreciated...

What this comes down to is SOLUTIONS to customer needs or problems. I am
happy with your tech support as a company... As a whole, the internet is
a Mission Critical application for most all of us and we a SOLUTION
providers for our customers.

People are offering potential solutions for you to OUR problems. If we
have problems and look to you then we need solutions. In company mission
critical applications, we need solutions "yesterday"... and I know you do
your best to handle that on a case by case basis. So what I am saying is
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, and HOW MUCH will it cost to get your
company to do what is necessary for Livingston planned SOLUTION to our
mission critical needs... What is your company doing to get us the help
we need when it is the "please help now" scenario...

We know you are pry swamped TOO, yet as a TEAM of (solution provider &
customer) we have to work together for the benefit of all..

Your company makes magnificent product... I'll buy more.... I'll need
more help in the future... Some slow and easy... some of the kind... HELP
NOW PLEASE... where do we go from here coach?
