Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa

Christian Nielsen (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 09:06:48 -0600 (MDT)

This is about the last time I call Livingston "Customer/Tech Support" (using
loosly) on a issue.

I called this morning about a problem with one of my PM2ER that will not
keep a DLCI listing. I am also running 3.1.3 because I can't
upgrade it using Solaris 2.4, already hosed two Portmasters.

So, and I have said this before, it is nice that we have 'FREE' Tech
support, but FREE cost me $ when I have a problem and they tell me "I
don't know when they can call you back"

Livingston "Thanks for calling Livingston"
Me "Yes can I speak to Tech Support"
Livingston "one moment"
Livingston "How may I help you"
ME "May I please speak to Tech Support"
Livingston "Do you have an open ticket?"
Me "No, may I please speak to Tech Support"
Livingston "May I get your information so I can open a ticket so thay can
Re: Dedicated 28.8 Link with PM-2E30

CALL you back."
Me "Look, I have a network down, how long will it take?"
Livingston "I don't know."
Me "Hours, days, what?"
Livingston "I'm sorry, I don't know what the call volume is, I can take
your information."
Me "No thank you, I will work on it my self."

Now, I have had livingston products for over 6 months now. Own 4
portmasters and have told friends and other ISP about them. The problem

If I have a problem, I can't wait days for them to call me back.
Just last May, I waited over a week for Tech support to call. That is
crap. Heck, I have said this before and will say it again, my company
will pay, just like cisco charges, for good tech support. Heck, that is
why we pay cisco $300 a year on a 2501. If I have a problem, I just call
an 800 number and have not had to wait more than 2 hours to be called
back. They will look at the router, even help set it up if you are having
problems. That is what I want, that is what I expect.

Livingston is coming out with ISDN. We are ready to buy, BUT not
if I have to wait for TECH support. If you offer it, support it, heck
start a Livingston GOLD, where we pay yearly and we know we are going to
be helped. Overnight shipment of a down router/terminal server, like I
said before, I have a hosed PM2ER. I know of Cisco sending out a router
via Delta Express same day, Saturday to a Company, and this is not your
large company, they own one cisco.

it is good stuff, I just want it supported


Yes, I know. If I only had 26 hours in a day... ;-0