Re: Linux/Portmasters

Steve Thompson (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 10:00:07 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 30 Sep 1995, Richard W. Gross wrote:

> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 1995 03:47:14 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Richard W. Gross <>
> I'm trying to get Netscape 1.2N to read news off my news server. I've

I had this problem myself, and I found that the standard INN 1.4sec2
version would not "stat" an article. So, Netscape, Lynx, and a few other
things would not read articles, though it would get a list...

The solution was to upgrade to the INN1.4unoff2 distribution that was
announced on the newsgroup. If you can't find it, I
wouldn't mind tarring up my source distribution for you and stuffing it
in my ftp site for any and all.



--------------------------------------------------------- geek code v3.0: ---
Steve Thompson GIT(AT) d-@ s++: a26(a@) c+++>++++++ UL++++$ P+>++++ L+++
BOFH, System Admin, E- W+ N+++ K w--- O? M- V? PS+++ PE-- Y++(@) PGP+(++) t- 5-- X !R* tv--(@) b+++ DI++ D++@ G+ e- h+>++ r* y-(--)