Login Time Restrictions to Portmaster

Andrew Evrovski (andy@ATCON.COM)
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 19:53:13 -0300


I am one of the Network operations guys for Atlantic Connect Inc.
which is an ISP located in Atlantic Canada. We have various promotional
specials that we give from time to time one of which is a "7 Day Free Trial"
account. The problem with this is our modem pool is being completely tied
up due to the extra free accounts.

I was wondering if there is any way that radius or the portmaster
itself will allow me to input time restrictions for a group of users. I
would very much like to eliminate all free trial users during peak hours
which I would specify. I thought perhaps this might be possbile in some
type of filter format, but I am not sure how I could implement this.

I can do this in a very clumsy, wasteful, fashion by creating a PERL
script and running it as a cron job to cross check a group of users with
whomever is logged on to our 8 portmasters and kick them off (of course
running it every 5 minutes or so), but this is very annoying.

Hopefully, someone can give me some insight and/or possbile solutions.


**** Andrew Evrovski **** Caught speeding
**** Network Operations **** \|/\|/ on the
**** Atlantic Connect **** ___ o__o Info Highway....
**** 3845 Dutch Village Road **** _/__@\_ _/____\_ (again)
**** Halifax, NS B3L 4H9 **** _|O_____O|___|OO____OO|__
**** Canada ****
**** andy@atcon.com ****