Re: Anybody using AT&T 28,800's on PM2E??

Bryant Ho (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 17:42:07 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 26 Sep 1995 wrote:

> If so, what is the magic necessary for keeping the connection up?? Seems
> to be a common denomenator to the portmaster arbitrarily "hanging up"??
> All logs are clear, simply looks as though we just hung up, even in middle
> of downloads, etc. . .
> Getting frustrated. . .
> ????
> I don't think there could be any "special magic" init string. . .been
> through the modem manual. . .think I have tried all the obvious. . .
> How bout sharing this deep dark secret??? Anybody??

I've had similar experiences with random hangups with the AT&T 28.8's. No
amount of twiddling with the init strings seemed to help. The AT&T's just
don't seem to handle line noise well at all. Replacing them with USR
Couriers seemed to do the trick, however.

Bryant Ho
| InterAccess Co. Sales: (708) 498-2542 |
| 3345 Commercial Ave. Tech Support: (708) 498-3842 |
| Northbrook, IL 60062 Fax: (708) 498-3289 |