Portmaster Backup/Recovery

Kevin Sears x3-5160 (searsk@iscmed.med.ge.com)
Tue, 3 Oct 95 14:31:37 CDT

PM Gang,

Since tech support at Livingston is a LITTLE backed up, I thought of posing my question to you folks.

I have a non-RADIUS based Portmaster(PM-2e, ComOS 3.1.2) which I need to establish and test a backup/recovery plan.

My understanding is that the pmreadconf utility will save all the PM configuration parameters(i.e. ports(serial, parallel, ethernet) and tables(user, location, filters, etc)) which can be used in a recovery process. To date, I have used the utility but have never tested its data file as a recovery method.

Therefore, let me go back to the basic questions.

1) How do I backup the Portmaster so if it burns-up I can plop a new one in its place and do a complete recovery?

2) How do I test this theory(i.e. zero out the config data)?

(as soon as I send this I know Livingston tech support is going to call)

Kevin Sears
Systems & Network Support Tech
OnLine Center
GE Medical Systems
PO Box 414, m/s-W595
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Internet: searsk@med.ge.com
Voice: 414-524-5160
FAX: 414-524-5305