Re: hangups, dest

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 00:04:51 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Dr. Delete Ph.D. shaped the electrons to say...
>Apparently the portmaster is assigning damn for some reason
>I have no idea why.. What could cause this? And it seems rather
>random.. a bug perhaps? it's running v3.1.3c2

We had a bug like this in an old release, the PM wouldn't put addresses
back in the pool when they were free, so it would run out and couldn't
assign anything but As far as I know, that bug was squashed, but
3.1.3 had a few other problems, maybe it has a siilar problem. I'd go to
3.1.4 and see if it clears up, since it is a better release in any case.

We do still see it from time to time in other releases, but usually the
occurance is very random and non-repeatable, which makes it next to
impossible to nail down. Usually it happens once briefly, gets cleared
up, and doesn't recur.


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