Re: Linux? (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 23:36:06 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Dave Andersen shaped the electrons to say...
>> Well I received my PM-2er and just now thought about wether or not there was
>> any software for it that runs under Linux. Anyone out there using Linux? Or
>> am I stuck having to use dos to configure my new toy? Currently I have 3 PC'
>> running Linux.
> It's late beta. Beg, and you shall receive.

Yep. Options for Linux users:
1. Use the command line.
2. The M$-Windoze beta PMconsole (3.11, 95, and NT) is public. You can grab
it from our site, Beta 7 has bugs, beta 8 due RSN.
3. I'm not sure if they are stil taking Linux beta users or not, but you
can email with BETA LINUX REQUEST for a subject to

>your portmaster. It's very easily configured from the command line
>prompt (I'd probably argue that it's easier that way than using the GUI
>thingy for most operations, but I'm probably just being weird).

The GUI has it's uses, sometimes I'll forget exactly what command line
combinations I need for something - I do *so* many different setups everyday
I can get scrambled. So I'll use PMconsole, set up a test port, and then
look at how the settings are to refresh my memory. And it is useful for
things like cloning ports, most ISPs have identical setups on all the ports.

It is all what you like, I've been a command line person most of my life,
I tend to use GUIs only if they offer something I don't get on the command
line. In college, when I used MS-Win all the time for assignments, I was
proficient at using all of the hotkeys and avoiding the mouse. Sadly I'm
way out of practice - although that does mean I don't use MS-Win much, so
it isn't all that sad. ;-)

What I really need is a Sun and an ISDN line to my house. ;-) Maybe just
a high end PC with UNIX.

> "She totally confused all the passing piranhas"

That's my favorite line too, just something about the weirdness factor and
the way the guitar cuts in on the last word.


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