Re: "Connecting"

Dave Andersen (
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 22:41:56 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Pat McClanahan once said:

> I have a user that gets connects to our modem bank, can enter his login
> id and password, but then the PM sits there with a status of "Connecting"
> until the connections times out. The user never does get a usable connection.
> Any ideas as to what the problem is or suggestions as to potential
> resolutinos of this??

We've had this problem. I put the problem down to a faulty cable, but
I suspect it may be a flaw in 3.1.3. *shrug* Turn modem control off on
the port that does it, it'll fix the problem. (It's an undesirable
solution, hoewver -- the login greeting doesn't get sent when you have it

-Dave Andersen

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        "She totally confused all the passing piranhas"