Re: Splitting a class C between multiple PM-2e's

Greg Merrell (
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 19:16:34 -0700 (PDT)

Brian Tao <> wrote:
> We currently have one class C block of IP addresses assigned to
>each of our 11 PM-2e's. For obvious reasons, I would like to make
>more efficient use of our IP numbers.
> My question is this: do I need to do any subnetting to break the
>blocks into 32-address pools for each PM-2e, or can I simply assign
>starting addresses to each terminal server?
> The blocks 204.92.48 - 204.92.55 and 205.233.77 - 205.233.79 are
>being used for dynamic IP assignement. The first set is already
>routed and customers are using IP's in that range. Is there any need
>to subnet that, assuming all the termservers are on the same local
>network? I would like to fit 7 termservers per C-class with 36 IP's
>each for a total of 252 addresses per block.

Should you decide to do subnetting, these are the possible sizes for a class-C:

2 nets at 62 nodes each (
6 nets at 30 nodes each (
14 nets at 14 nodes each (
30 nets at 6 nodes each (
62 nets at 2 nodes each (

All divisions must occur on a bit boundary. See the unofficial Portmaster
support pages, in particular for more

> Are there any pitfalls I should watch out for when renumbering the
>address allocation pool like this? Thanks.
>Brian Tao <>
>System Administrator, Internex Online Inc.
>"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"

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