Splitting a class C between multiple PM-2e's

Brian Tao (taob@io.org)
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 18:56:53 -0400 (EDT)

We currently have one class C block of IP addresses assigned to
each of our 11 PM-2e's. For obvious reasons, I would like to make
more efficient use of our IP numbers.

My question is this: do I need to do any subnetting to break the
blocks into 32-address pools for each PM-2e, or can I simply assign
starting addresses to each terminal server?

The blocks 204.92.48 - 204.92.55 and 205.233.77 - 205.233.79 are
being used for dynamic IP assignement. The first set is already
routed and customers are using IP's in that range. Is there any need
to subnet that, assuming all the termservers are on the same local
network? I would like to fit 7 termservers per C-class with 36 IP's
each for a total of 252 addresses per block.

Are there any pitfalls I should watch out for when renumbering the
address allocation pool like this? Thanks.

Brian Tao <taob@io.org>
System Administrator, Internex Online Inc.
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"