Re: RIP on Livingston Portmasters...

Thomas Tornblom (Thomas.Tornblom@Nexus.SE)
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 21:57:09 +0100

> From: "Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz" <>
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 12:57:06 -0700 (PDT)
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To: "Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz" <>
> Once upon a time Thomas Tornblom shaped the electrons to say...
> >The PM:s routing table looks alright, but it advertises a net route,
> >not a host route as I would like.
> In the user entry:
> Framed-Netmask =
> That will be a host route.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
> Phone: 800-458-9966 FAX: 510-426-8951
> <>
> 6920 Koll Center Parkway #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566

I'll try this a day when I'm feeling strong.

Last Friday I tested 'set netmask', as suggested by
someone and just as I had pressed CR the box froze totally.

It crashed so bad I had to reload everything from scratch.

When I hooked a console up to port 0 and flipped switch 1 the box told
me I had a memory checksum error.

I called the distributor, just before closing time, and they sent me a
fax with the procedure to do a full reload over the net. I had to
fetch a generic image from livingston, thanks for having them
available via ftp. Setting up rarp and tftp and restarting the box
gave me a clean but working box.

I then tried to cut some corners and upgrade to 3.1.4 and reload the
user database before rebooting. After a reboot the box would only
reply SYSMSGxxx to whatever command I gave. I then pulled all modem
cables and reloaded the generic image again, rebooted, upgraded to
3.1.4, rebooted and finally loaded the user data base. After this it
was back up again.


The box has otherwise been exceptionally reliable. This was the first
unplanned down time.