Re: Portmaster Telnet

Robert Hanson (
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 12:13:28 -0700 (PDT)

i do the same thing... i did this and it works pretty good... the
alternative was a pain...

add user bbs no password
set user bbs host 204.blah.blah.blah
set user bbs service rlogin

works great... it does do a double prompting since there is no bbs
account on the linux box anymore... and that wasted too many resources on
the linux box for a rlogin to the box that telnetted them to the bbs...
works great here with the mbbs/wg

lemme know if you need more info...


On Sat, 30 Sep 1995, Ryan C. Braun wrote:

> Hello..
> Here is my situation which I need a little help on:
> We are an ISP but also have a BBS system which people can use. We
> moved the BBS hunt group lines to the normal dial in hunt group and
> wanted to use the Portmaster to then telnet to the BBS when the user
> type in a username (aka command) to do so. I set up a user called
> galaxy (the BBS name) with the service type of telnet, but things
> aren't working quite right. It is a Major BBS with WorldGroup
> (Windows client software), and some of the transfers make it dump
> with WorldGroup. ZModem works OK (but I only get about 2500 cps - no
> biggee).. I was wondering if I could change the telnet client
> settings on the Portmaster - perhaps to 8 bit or something which
> would not have these problems? Any thoughts or suggestions?
> Also, as a sidenote, can you make it so when they type the username
> galaxy it doesn't even ask for a password, it just telnets right
> there?
> Thanks.. Ryan Braun
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ryan C. Braun | voice 319.557.8463
> MidWest Communications, Inc. | fax 319.557.9771
> 241 Main St. | pager don'
> Dubuque, IA 52001 | email
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Need Internet? If you are reading this probably not, but call anyway!