Portmaster Telnet

Ryan C. Braun (rbraun@mwci.net)
Sat, 30 Sep 1995 21:05:47 +0000


Here is my situation which I need a little help on:

We are an ISP but also have a BBS system which people can use. We
moved the BBS hunt group lines to the normal dial in hunt group and
wanted to use the Portmaster to then telnet to the BBS when the user
type in a username (aka command) to do so. I set up a user called
galaxy (the BBS name) with the service type of telnet, but things
aren't working quite right. It is a Major BBS with WorldGroup
(Windows client software), and some of the transfers make it dump
with WorldGroup. ZModem works OK (but I only get about 2500 cps - no
biggee).. I was wondering if I could change the telnet client
settings on the Portmaster - perhaps to 8 bit or something which
would not have these problems? Any thoughts or suggestions?

Also, as a sidenote, can you make it so when they type the username
galaxy it doesn't even ask for a password, it just telnets right

Thanks.. Ryan Braun
Ryan C. Braun | voice 319.557.8463
MidWest Communications, Inc. | fax 319.557.9771
241 Main St. | pager don't.you.wish.you.knew
Dubuque, IA 52001 | email rbraun@mwci.net
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