Re: Can't Telnet To PM2e

Garry Shtern (
Sun, 1 Oct 1995 12:52:34 +1030 (???)

On Sun, 1 Oct 1995, Mury Andrew Johnson wrote:

> Okay, I've banged my head against this thing for over a week. I have a
> PM2e that I can dial in as !root to gain access. But when I try to
> telnet over to the PM, I get the wonderful message:
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> This has happened a couple times. One of the times someone claimed they
> reset the portmaster, and it fixed the problem. Another time I saw that
> there were 3 orphaned processes to the pm. I killed them and all was
> fine. This time I have tried everything, resetting the pm, rebooting the
> accounting server that we telnet to the pm from, looking through the
> logs, everything, and I can't find the problem, nor can I solve it
> accidentally.

Try loggin onto the pm and typing show netconns, and see if there is
anything on the port 23.
