Resetting Network Connections

Sometimes it is necessary to reset a network connection like a telnet or PMVision (TM) connection between the PortMaster(TM) and another peer. To do so locate the network connection you wish to reset with the show netconns command by handle number (hnd). The state of the connection will usually be "ESTABLISHED". Use the handle number in reset n<hnd_number> and the connection will reset.

Show Netconns

  • Shows the TCP and UDP network sockets for use on the PortMaster

  • Below is sample output from the show netconns command.

    Command> show netconns
    Hnd Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
      7      0      0              LISTEN
      6      0      0              UDP
      5      0      2      ESTABLISHED
      4      0      0              LISTEN
      3      0      0       UDP
      1      0      0              UDP
  • Hnd Network handle number.

  • Each network connection to the PortMaster (telnet, RIP, DNS, PMVision, etc) has a unique number assigned to it. This number is used when resetting the network connection.



    Recv-Q Number of packets in receive queue waiting to be processed.

    Send-Q Number of packets in send queue waiting to be sent.

    Local Address Local host name or IP address with TCP or UDP port number on the end.

    Foreign Address Foreign host name or IP address with TCP or UDP port number on the end.

    (state) Connection state of TCP and IPX connections and also UDP sockets.

    • Below is a list of some of the connection states that will be seen.

    • LISTEN A listen state indicates that the PortMaster has an open socket for a network connection on this port. You'll often see this associated with port 23 (telnet) and port 1643 (PMconsole).
    • The PortMaster will accept up to 4 telnet sessions at a time and 1 PMconsole session at a time. When this number of connections is met the LISTEN state will disappear. With each new connection an ESTABLISHED connection is added to this list.

    • CONNECTING This state means that a TCP connection is in the process of handshaking with another peer.
    • ESTABLISHED This state means that a TCP connection is currently established.
    • WAIT This state occurs in the wait time between the reset and the listen state.
    • UDP