TITLE: Packet Filter To Watch A Given IP Address
DATE: August 12,1999


This packet filter will show all packets going to or coming from a given IP address.

This is a useful tool when trying to determine if a host is sending or receiving traffic 

This example will watch the IP address :

To add a new filter:
Command> add filter i
New Filter successfully added
# The following rule watches all packets coming from 
# the /32 means look at all 32 bits in the IP address.
Command> set filter i 1 permit
Filter i updated
# The following rule watches all packets destined for 
Command> set filter i 2 permit
Filter i updated

The following example shows how to turn the packet filter on:

Command> set console
Setting CONSOLE to admin session
Command> ptrace i
Packet Tracing Enabled

The following example shows how to turn the packet filter off:. 

Command> ptrace
Packet Tracing Disabled
Command> reset console
Console RESET