The InterNetworking Systems of Lucent Technologies is shipping a new version of the MDM-56K-8 and MDM-56K-10 series modem cards for the PortMasterŪ 3. The new modem cards require ComOSŪ version 3.8.2 or higher. The new modem is a manufacturing change only. Existing MDM-PM3-8 and MDM-PM3-10 modem cards do not require replacement.

If the new modem card fails to respond after installation, follow these steps to determine whether the problem is caused by an incompatibility with the installed ComOS version:

  1. Enter the "show modem" command. If all modems on the card are found in the "INIT" state and you cannot clear them by swapping or toggling the modems on and off, run the "show <M0>" command, replacing "0" with one modem number found in the INIT state. The "show <M0>" command will report the type and state of the specified modem as "Card Type: ADI Chipset" and "State: INIT".
    You can also identify the version of modems on a PortMaster 3 modem card by looking at the modem chips. The previous version of K56flex modems shows "1674" on the chip, and the new version currently being shipped shows "1675". A much older chip shows "ADI" on the chips. ADI chips are analog only and do not support speeds higher than V.34.

  2. Verify the version of ComOS with the "version" command. If the ComOS version is earlier than 3.8.2, download the latest version of ComOS from the FTP site at

  3. After upgrading to ComOS 3.8.2 or higher, recheck the modems with the "show modems" command.

If the modems have not returned to a "READY" state, or other issues require running an earlier version of ComOS, contact the Lucent InterNetworking Systems Technical Support Center.