Re: (PM) PM3 line interfaces go bonkers - power-cycle fixes?

Jon Rust (
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 16:38:16 -0800

Hola Jay!

Yes, I've seen the same thing. Been red-faced more than once after
screaming at GTE to fix their shzt, only to find that a power cycle
fixed the problem. And yep, with only 4 PM3's it happens much too
infrequently, and is much too big of an emergency to open a ticket
with the on-hold music at Lucent. The last time it happened was
prolly 3 months ago.


At 4:19 PM -0800 12/28/99, Jay Hennigan wrote:
>We have about 25 PM3s deployed, in a mix of PRI and CT-1 environments.
>Many of them have been service for just about as long as Livingston has
>been shipping PM3s. Running 3.9b22 at present, but I've observed this
>with previous ComOS releases as well.
>To date I've seen about five instances where the T-1 line interfaces
>will go into a mode where telco sees massive errors. Line levels look
>good, some errors seen on the receive end at the PM3.
>This condition persists until the PM3 is powered off and back up. Rebooting
>does not fix it. I have not verified if physically unplugging the T-1
>lines and reconnecting fixes it.
>It has happened infrequently enough as to not be the kind of thing one
>can easily open a trouble case with Lucent over, and isn't repeatable
>(at least not without months of waiting.)
>Anyone else ever experience this? What's the fix?
>Jay Hennigan - Network Administration -
>NetLojix Communications, Inc. NASDAQ: NETX -
>WestNet: Connecting you to the planet. 805 884-6323
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