(PM) PortLimit = 1 ??????

Stots Haim (stots@elbit.co.il)
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 08:39:06 +0200 (IST)

I tried to limt the connection per user with this flag
PortLimit = 1 using the "CISTRON" (as some of you told me to)
radius with no success,
someone mention that the port limit is only for isdn lines ,

any hints about ?????

Regards Stots

|Stotsky Haim, | Email: stots@elbit.co.il | P.O.B 539 |
|System Admin, | Phone: +972-4-8315-768 | Haifa, 31053 |
|Elbit Ltd. | Fax: +972-4-8315-120 | Israel |

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