(PM) Strange Situation

Greg GDS (greg@gdsys.net)
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 23:15:45 -0600

Can anyone tell me what might be causing this situation.

We are running the following equip etc. Windows NT, PM3 Latest comos.27b,
our PM have Stac Cards in them.

This is the problem, some of our users report ping time to our servers in
the 100-200 Ms range. Sure enough when we ping a user form the server some
are in the 90Ms range but most are 150Ms or more.

Now we ping all the other serves at less than 1Ms, and we can ping the PMs
at less than 3Ms, we can ping the router in less than 3 Ms, we can even ping
a site like altavista at around 140Ms from the network, but when we ping a
user dialed into us it is 150 or more.

Any ideas?


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