(PM) VPN Through the PM-3

Russ Sherman (rsherman@netrax.net)
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 11:19:05 -0500

I may have missed this previously, but need help with the following

I have a customer using Microsoft's PPTP VPN protocol to set up a VPN
from dial-up
accounts back to his office. They are connecting well (45kbs or better)
to my PM-3s
and the PM-3s seem to be operating properly. When the customer measures
the connection
speed of their VPN session though, they are only getting 9.6kbs.

The customer has a 256kbs Frame connection from us for Internet access
at their main office.
It terminates into a Cisco 2600 series router and then into his
network. He has employees
that connect into our POPs using Windows95/98 and the PPTP protocol from
Microsoft. The
dial-up accounts go from their machines into the PM-3 which is inturn
connected to a Cisco
router and then to the internet via a frame switch.

The customer has contacted Microsoft who says the problem is at my end.
Typical Maicrosoft answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Russ Sherman
General Manager

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