(PM) MRTG Maximal 5 minute modems?

Craig Baird (bairdc@ns.xpressweb.com)
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:14:38 -0700 (MST)

I've got MRTG monitoring the modem usage on my PM3s using PM3Lines.pl.
I'm wondering what "Maximal 5 minute modems" means. All of the charts
show up in Goldenrod, but on the weekly, monthly, and yearly graphs, there
is a dark green section of the graph above the goldenrod section. The
legend describes the dark green as "Maximal 5 minute modems", but I can't
find any information on just what that means. Interestingly, this green
section doesn't show up on my daily graph--just on the weekly, monthly,
and yearly. Can anyone tell me what this is? Thanks!

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