Re: (PM) Named ip address pool

Paul Martin (
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 12:53:21 +0000

> From: "Thomas C Kinnen" <>
> >Of course, named IP pools don't work in ComOS 4.1, they're broken. Using
> >any named IP pool other than the default causes the PM4 to drop the call.
> >
> >Lucent PortMaster PM-4 ComOS 4.1c1
> If you have not open a ticket with support.

I'd love to, but your US support department won't take my reports any
more, and the Lucent EMEA support department forces me to do it through my
supplier, not through them. My supplier is aware of the problem, but
hasn't sent *my* report upstream (to my knowledge).

Paul Martin <>, in the UK.
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