Re: (PM) PM3 Unable to make subsequent dialin calls.
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:25:15 -0800

In article <>, you
>I've just setup a PM3 with OS 3.8.3, and dialing into the RAS when
>rebooted, it answers fine.. But when I hang up and dialin again modems
>train, but I don't get a login prompt, but a show s0 indicates the port is
>in "USERNAME"... Wierd?
>Rebooting allows me to dial back in...
>Any help appreciated.

We have a similar problem. We inherited a PM-3A-1T that had been boxed
for two years (S/N 2B00126) andvpurchased replacement modems for the
33K analog modems it came with. After running for about a day, the
modems would answer call but without an answer tone, just silence.

The first replacement box decided after a day to just not answer any

The second and third replacement PM3's exhibit the problem you
describe. After operating for a day (or recently longer), several
ports get stuck in the USERNAME state with no user connected to the
line; however the line remains off-hook. Due to the newer modems, we
run ComOS 3.8.2 (3.8 was very stable for us).

We never saw this problem with our other five PM-3A-2T boxes and
ComOS 3.8 (older 56K modems). Any idea why these ports occasionally

--matthew black

+------------------------------(c) 1999 Matthew Black, all rights reserved--
matthew black | Opinions expressed herein belong to me and
network & systems specialist | may not reflect those of my employer
california state university |
network services BH-180E | e-mail: black at csulb dot edu
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