Re: (PM) dns servers

John W Baxter (
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:33:01 -0800

At 17:22 -0700 12/16/99, John Gonzalez/netMDC admin wrote:
>If you are a dialup customer of your ISP and you wish to
>use your own DNS server, you can specify DNS servers manually either in
>the connectoid or under the network icon.

Actually, I've benefited a few times by hand-specifying only our primary
name server, rather than accepting the DNS addresses from our PortMasters.

We find out rather quickly when named has decided to take the day off
(usually I find out before we get the odd support calls about trouble
sending email).

I also set my frame connection up with just the primary name server.

[A monitor would be even better. So much to little time.]


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
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