Re: (PM) PM3 and syslog

Michael Bryan (
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:14:02 -0800

On 12/16/99 at 8:10 PM Vladimir Litovka wrote:

> Why PM3 (ComOS 3.9b26) doesn't send logging information to syslog host?

The problem is very likely on your syslog host, not the PM3.
Check the following:

1) Is the syslog.conf file (or its equivalent) setup to
receive and log the messages? I've
seen systems that do not log these by default.

2) Is the syslogd accepting messages from external hosts,
or is it only accepting local syslog messages? Many versions
of syslogd allow a "secure" mode of operation, wherein remote
connections are refused, or you specify a fixed list of
allowed remote hosts.

3) Is there a firewall or filter of some sort on the PM3,
the syslog host, or some system in between them, that would
be blocking the syslog packets? [UDP port 514.]

If none of this helps, you should post the type of system
your syslogd is running on, and a copy of your syslog.conf
file for more help.

Michael Bryan

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