Re: (PM) Re: (ANNC) ComOS 3.9b26 available for open beta

Mike Tancsa (
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 04:35:10 GMT

On 9 Dec 1999 22:27:17 -0500, in sentex.lists.livingston you wrote:

>On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Mike Tancsa wrote:
>> making the initial connection. The place where it really wins however, is
>> in all the reporting and debugging features. There is WAY more there then
>> on the PM3 which seems very limited by comparison.
>I also have a 5300 for eval. It may have more debugging, but it's ten
>times more complex to set up than a PM3. There are at least five
>different ways to set up just about everything, and you can't use 20% of
>them due to IOS bugs. It took me two days to get Radius fully working.
>OSPF didn't work 100% until after I called Cisco support. I can think of
>three ways off the top of my head to configure the modem/asnyc ports, and
>I'm sure there are other ways.
>I may yet stay with the PM3.

Me too, but I want to see what the grass looks like on the other side for
myself :-) Although yes, it is quite different than ComOS, I think the
learning curve is not really that steep. We were lucky in that we had a
Cisco SE for the morning to help us configure it and answer all our
questions. Once done, you look at the config and it all sort of makes
sense in the end, although there are some inconsistancies and oddities.

The debugging and logging is quite a bit more superior, but like I said,
modem performance and stability in the end will make us decide. In
comparison, the Max that we tried out crashed twice, and modem performance
was only marginally better it seemed. But I really hate the way one
configures Ascends.

What sort of stats are you seeing on the Cisco in terms of call
terminations out of RADIUS ?

So far, I see

PPP-Remote-Terminate 77.54% 535/690
Lost-Carrier 16.38% 113/690
PPP-PAP-Auth-Fail 2.75% 19/690
Idle-Timeout 1.88% 13/690
User-Ends-Session 1.30% 9/690
Session-Timeout 0.14% 1/690

Not much to go on, so I am going to move it up in the pool to get it to
process more calls...

Mike Tancsa (
Sentex Communications Corp,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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could setup a national IP network." (KDW2)
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