(PM) How do you shut off LINE0 remotely?

Mia's Virtual Post Office (list@mia.net)
Sat, 4 Dec 99 12:15:06 -0600

Is there a way to turn off line0 or line1 remotely? We have a problem
after moving our ISP. Apparently Ameritech has screwed up again! The
lead trunk in our hunt is having trouble taking calls. Some connect,
some don't. Also, there is tremendous packet loss when they do connect.
Connect speeds to this trunk are usually 19,200 to 26,400.

Any ideas?

Line0 is having the trouble, but line1 on the same PM3 works fine! Also,
my other PM3's in the hunt work.


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strokes of the Mona Lisa, Shakespeare wrote the first words of Hamlet, and
Beethoven began work on his Ninth Symphony." And Windows98 Crashed!

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