(PM) 3.9b24 dropped off of the network

Brian Beaulieu (brian@capital-internet.net)
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:09:28 -0600

This morning a PM3 with 3.9b24/2 PRI/1 TrueDigital(1)/Stac Card dropped
off of the network. It had been up for about 28 days. I was
actually at home working when this happened and the first clue that
something was going on.. was my inability to make a stable connection
anywhere. And then my ISDN connection dropped.. and I got paged :)
Unfortunately I really couldn't put a terminal onto the PM3 to see
if it was alive but on the local network it wasn't reachable.
This is the first time this has ever happened with any PM3 I've worked

I was running this version because of a problem that I had with previous
versions.. The problem would basically cause all connections to the PM3
to slow down dramatically.. barely being able to connect to anything.
However I would be able to telnet to the pm3 and reboot it. One odd
thing I remember was when I telnetted, the !root password would be
back. This was with pm3b* < pm3b24.

I'd rather not resort to rebooting this every two weeks at 3am. Has
else had a similar experience?


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